"It's okay. Break. It's okay to break. It's okay to be broken."
How many times do we have to tell ourselves that our brokenness is forgivable?
This, this is one of the greatest things He has taught me. That we can be undone, and it's completely okay.
Some pain could be self-inflicted. Some pain could be world-induced. Some pain could be completely out of your hands. But none of those actually changes anything.
Pain and brokenness will either demand to be felt or they will demand that we feel nothing at all.
So feel. Beloved, allow yourself to be broken. Maybe you've been holding it together for the longest time. But you don't have to, not in front of Him. Let the tears come. You don't need to be afraid of what is broken, what could be broken, what will be broken. Not when He is not afraid of broken things; not when He is redeeming and restoring everything.
Let His love re-define you and the meaning of your brokenness. Let Him love you in your most disappointed, hurt, confused places. He wants to. Rock bottom becomes your stepping stone if you decide to walk it through.
I remember this song by Leonard Cohen that says, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Let the love get in. But you have to break first, fully.
Then let all the broken, seemingly scattered pieces fall into place. Let Him put your pieces back into place.You can press your scars against His nail pierced hands and know that this, this is Someone who is not afraid of broken, this is Someone who understands pain.
You may think that you can't afford to feel because you have to be a leader first. You have to be a parent first. You have to be a sibling first. You have to be responsible first. But it costs so much more to forget that before all of that, you were God's child first. And He wants you to be super real with Him. He isn't surprised by how low you could go. You'd be surprised by how His love can chase you down there, even deeper.
Didn't you know that your broken heart breaks His? Didn't you know that you refusing to break open your heart breaks His?
And the Father has His arms outstretched, Christ comes to us showing the scars in His hands, the Spirit whispers inside us, "it's safe here."
Why do we need to fear being messy when it's never more than what our God can handle?
Break. At His feet. Before His throne. Offer your brokenness. Then watch Him fight for you. Hear Him speak grace and truth to you. Listen to Him tell you, "go in peace" (Luke 7:36-50).
You may be busted, but you are beloved.
You may be guilty, but you are not condemned.
You may be broken, but you are chosen.
So rather than pushing people away because "you don't understand my pain and you have no idea what I've been through", why don't we let them push through our hearts and maybe then we'll see them pull through for us?
It's fascinating to me, how the bread we eat and the juice we drink during communion represents so much more than we think they do. Wheat and grain have to be crushed in order to make the bread we commune with. Grapes had to be squeezed and pounded in order for us to have the juice that we drink. All the sweetness, the oneness, coming from broken.
We share this together – all this broken, together.
And all this pain and suffering, they all do things to us. They make us defensive. Bitter. Mean. Because, as they say, hurt people hurt people.
But everyone's hurt. In ways we will never know and in ways we won't fully understand, everyone is hurt, has been hurt, and will be hurt. And if we don't start responding in love in the face of pain, if we keep putting up walls rather than allowing the cracks, if we don't start reaching out instead of slapping away, if we'd rather make people break than be broken together, then the cycle will keep going on.
Hurt people hurt people.
Someone, somewhere, has to be brave enough, humble enough, to break the cycle by being broken.
Let that someone be you.
The truth is, there will always be someone who has something bad to say about you, something bad to do to you. Love anyway. The moment we feel most appalled, most disappointed, most repelled is the moment we need to love anyway the most. The heart that repels us the most is the heart we need to love the most.
Because we all need love when we feel we least deserve it – and that's exactly how God loves us anyway.
It's two-way, a cycle, this circle of love and life and pain.
Rather than comparing and criticizing who has the right to be broken because "I've been through worse but I turned out better", why don't we break our self-righteous pulpits instead?
Do you really have to give someone a piece of your mind when they need a piece of your heart? What if that person is not necessarily being difficult, it's just that she's having difficulty? Because we know it gets harder before it ever gets easier, and people need someone to help them through and tell them that it will get better if they don't give up when it's hardest.
Beloved, we will be known for our fruits, not our judgments.
So the ground has to be broken to produce crop and the seed has to break open to produce wheat and the wheat has to be broken to produce bread.
And Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24).
We break ourselves open and we die to ourselves.
And then He puts us back together, the way we were always supposed to be. He binds us all broken people together.
Because, if anything, seeing how deep our brokenness makes us realize how deep His love is. And I deeply believe that what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn into good. I deeply believe that He can turn your bad broken into good broken. I deeply believe that no darkness nor evil nor spirits nor anxiety nor fear can keep you from His love and peace. When we are wounded by the world, we can find shelter in His Word.
And then we will know, truly, Christ was broken so we don't have to be.Our undoing will be our remaking.
The origin of the word suffer means "to bear under." To suffer means to bear under what we cannot control. Which is why we would rather avoid suffering at all. But we can bear under that which is beyond our control because we know that above all is the One who is in control. Whatever has been and whatever will be, we are being held securely in the hands of Him who is the Prince of Peace. We are held in the arms of the One who holds all things together.
Whatever we are wrapped up in, He sets us free.
Whatever we are accused of, He has taken the condemnation.
Whatever we lack, He will provide.
Whatever we have failed, He will redeem.
Whatever battle we face, He has declared victory.
For where we are weak, He is strong.
We imagine needing to go through things on our own, but in the darkness, in the valley of death, He is there with us. There's no season that we have been in, no season we are in, and no season we could be in that He will not go through with us. In the desert, in the valley, in the fire, He is right there with us. When everything is up in flames around us, He is right there with us in the middle of our burn.
It's not up to us to overcome our brokenness. We don't have to be okay before going to Christ. Rather, it is Christ who will have us overcome our brokenness and who will make us okay – even when things don't seem okay.
And now we who are broken, scarred, limping, we can be brokers of healing because we know where the wounds run. We know that compassion can heal what condemnation could not. We know that God will use all things for our good and His glory – from testing to testimony.
Taking it from apostle Paul, whose daily involved being stoned, flogged, persecuted, and imprisoned: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
He can say that because amidst everything, here is his mindset: I am not a victim. And you are not a victim. Beloved, we should stop acting and thinking and living from a place of victim. And I do get that – that it will take time before we get out of that slave, victim mentality. But we'll let His love lead us through.
We confront our brokenness and own our beloved-ness.
For everything, everything, everything will work together for our good and His glory – even if we don't see it just yet. There will be stories to tell on the other side because we were never meant to wallow in our pain, we were meant to overcome.
He puts all our broken pieces together to form His body and we find His marks on each other. Let it sink, balm through the cracks: Christ is in you. You have the hope of glory in you.
And if we trace every scar, we can find there written along the lines:
Wounds run deep, but His love will always run deeper; the world will fight you and your own self will contradict you, but He has won the war – this Scarred, Victorious Savior.
And His triumph is counted as yours.
This is indeed a definitely well written blog, and I am deeply refreshed and touched through this. Hoping to read more of your entries. God has instilled in you an amazing talent where you can speak your heart and soul. God bless you more.
This is the sweetest, most encouraging thing. You have blessed me very deeply with your words today, thank you! God bless you. ❤
This is indeed a definitely well written blog, and I am deeply refreshed and touched through this. Hoping to read more of your entries. God has instilled in you an amazing talent where you can speak your heart and soul. God bless you more.
This is the sweetest, most encouraging thing. You have blessed me very deeply with your words today, thank you! God bless you. ❤
Ate, this is such an amazing blog post. I’m encouraged beyond words. Thank you for letting your writing become a source of hope for lots and lots of people. Thank you for leading people to Christ 🙂 Will definitely forward this to the ladies I know 🙂 Excited for all the blog posts to come!
Ate, this is such an amazing blog post. I’m encouraged beyond words. Thank you for letting your writing become a source of hope for lots and lots of people. Thank you for leading people to Christ 🙂 Will definitely forward this to the ladies I know 🙂 Excited for all the blog posts to come!
Hi, there! Thank you for sharing this. I could not help but cry while reading. As of now, I am going through such tough times and no matter how I tried to face this world with courage, I still feel discouraged (and sometimes, empty) and broken. I guess, I’ve been through a lot of pains (and somehow, denied them). Thank you for leading and for reminding me to go back to Him. May you continue to inspire and to write more stories and encouragements.
Hi, Louisa! I am so sorry for getting back to you quite late. I haven’t been actively checking my blog for a while, though I’m starting to get back on track now. 🙂
Thank you for being authentic about that. It can’t be avoided, you’re allowed to feel. It’s just what we do with those emotions after we let them come. And don’t forget, no matter how you feel, the victory had already been won and your story has already been written. We may not know all the details yet, but we can hope and take courage because He is always good. 🙂 Even when it doesn’t feel like it, I am telling you, He is still, always, always good.
I pray that you get to experience more tangibly the expressions of His faithfulness and goodness. ❤
Hi, ate! Doing well here in Sydney 🙂 Enjoying the new season po 🙂 Still developing my writing style – I definitely am getting lots of inspiration from this blog and Ate Joena San Diego’s. Hope I see you soon also, ate <3
Hi, ate! Doing well here in Sydney 🙂 Enjoying the new season po 🙂 Still developing my writing style – I definitely am getting lots of inspiration from this blog and Ate Joena San Diego’s. Hope I see you soon also, ate <3
Timely insights yes. I actually needed to here those today.
I just recently subscribed to your blog..
Keep it up.
My apologies for the typo.
*hear 😉